In the small town of Coram, Montana, situated just outside the majestic Glacier National Park, an extraordinary feline named Whiskey the Cat embarked on a remarkable journey. This account traces Whiskey's path from a challenging start to his role as a distillery guardian and, ultimately, finding a forever home.
A Frostbitten Beginning
In the harsh winter months, Whiskey, a kind-hearted family, found the Cat. He was huddled under a dumpster, trying to stay warm, with frostbitten paws. Feeling compassion for this poor creature, the family took him to their home, hoping to give him a better life.
However, the other feline inhabitants resisted Whiskey's integration into the household. Unhappy with the newcomer, the other cats began to mark their territory all over the house. It became clear that Whiskey needed a new place to call home, but the family was determined to find him the perfect spot.
Whiskey's New Purpose
As fate would have it, the family heard about a distillery needing a semi-feral cat to keep the grounds free from pesky critters attracted to grain and other agricultural products. This seemed like the perfect opportunity for Whiskey, so they introduced him to his new domain.
In no time, Whiskey the Cat proved to be a formidable force against the unwanted creatures lurking around the distillery. He was efficient, relentless, and undoubtedly skilled at his job, and his hunting prowess earned him the respect and admiration of his human coworkers.
But Whiskey was more than just a hunter; he was also charming and affectionate. He quickly became a beloved distillery companion, brightening the days of the staff with his antics. One of his favorite pastimes was to run up the leg of a distiller every morning and perch on his shoulders for the first hour of the day, supervising as the steam boiler was fired up, pallets were moved, and the first distillations commenced.
A Change in Whiskey's Personality
Initially thought to be semi-feral, Whiskey's true nature began to emerge as he grew more comfortable in the distillery environment. It turned out that Whiskey loved humans and was eager to interact with everyone who crossed his path. He would frequently sneak into the tasting room, leaping onto the bar to strike up a conversation with patrons.
Though Whiskey's sociable nature was endearing, it wasn't always appreciated. Health department officials and some non-cat-loving visitors took issue with his presence in the tasting room. Faced with these concerns, the distillery's owners, Brian Anderson, and Lisa Cloutier, made the difficult decision to retire Whiskey from his distillery duties in 2019.
Whiskey's Leisurely Retirement
Whiskey's story, however, has a happy ending. In his retirement, he found a forever home with Brian and Lisa on their 23-acre property. Now, Whiskey spends his days hunting mice and birds in his paradise, surrounded by people who love and cherish him.
Whiskey the Cat's journey from a frostbitten feline to the guardian of a distillery and finally to a loving home is a testament to the resilience of animals and the power of compassion. His story reminds us all that even the most unlikely creatures can make the greatest impact on our lives.
So, here's to Whiskey the Cat – a fierce hunter, a loyal companion, and a true legend in the world of distilleries.